What is authoritarian neoliberalism? In this paper, I will conduct a literature review on the connections between neoliberalism and authoritarianism. I define authoritarian neoliberalism as a resilient mode of economic and political governance that is animated by complex and contradictory technocratic, apolitical, and oppressive processes that bequeath hegemonic discourses and practices that are animated by creative destruction and displacement.
I will then take a comparative approach to explore how neoliberalism is linked to authoritarianism in Chile, Egypt, and Turkey. I selected these three countries as case studies because although they have distinct historical, geographic, economic, cultural, and ethnic features.
Authoritarian neoliberalism is a hegemonic and resilient discourse and practice that is reproduced across space and time no matter the context. A comparative approach will show us that authoritarian neoliberalism is a set of one size fits all logics, discourses and practices that neglects citizens needs for creativity, economic development, and democratic mobilization and it fails to account for complex histories and characteristics between countries and people.
Its absurd logics are enforced by state mechanisms such as the police. It effectively reproduces itself in the face of popular opposition and it is fraught with contradictions, cracks, and fissures. Thankfully, it creates a space for resistance and mobilization. I will explore how this resistance assumes form across the three countries.
I will conclude this discussion by proposing alternatives to authoritarian neoliberalism. I propose a celebration and coexistence of different social movements and modalities of economic development. This will bequeath the end of neoliberal authoritarian hegemony and give agency to citizens in the global south.